Sh!t Drivers Say: Have You Heard About The Driver Locked In His Hauler?

Sh!t Drivers Say: Have You Heard About The Driver Locked In His Hauler?

Have you heard the one about the blond who got stuck on the elevator? How about the racecar driver who got locked in his motorhome?

May 22, 2017 by Victoria Beaver
Sh!t Drivers Say: Have You Heard About The Driver Locked In His Hauler?
Here is a collection of some of the racing world's best comments on Twitter from the past week.

Have you heard the one about the driver who got locked in his hauler?

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There's no such thing as bad PR -- unless they spell your name wrong.

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The OG Fidget Spinner
Racers have had the secret to handle stress and anxiety for years.

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This is one of those few times, that racecar drivers find themselves having to duck.

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This tweet leads us to some important questions. Who is Mo? Who is Curly? Who is Larry? And does this mean that Chris Ferguson is Shemp Howard?
Can my references this week be more topical?

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To be honest, we thought the banner was duct tape, and that's a Packer Truck we can get behind.

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WoO and a legion of moths join forces to ask for real change in the world of emojis.

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